Permission for youtube channel
Salam aleykum I am a brother from Albania and I am a small youtuber. I post there Quran and Hadith but I am having problems with copyrighting. So I am requesting you to allow me to take from your audios and to post them in youtube to share Quran at others for Allah's sake.
May Allah reward you
this is my channel
How about this instead...
How about you make a video about **THIS** awesome app and direct users to download and use it? If your mission is to serve Islam and propagate WORD OF ALLAH then you don't need to make new videos and instead use all your positive energy on existing information that is available in easy, accessible and free format to everyone. Those who invest in Allah's ways and expect reward only from Allah are better off AFAIK. Also, you will have quicker time to market than the other way around. Double benefits. :)
Let me know what you think.
Kind Regards,
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sir do i get royalty for using these audio files? What can I do to avoid copyright?
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Assalam o alaikum,
There is no option share this page on youtube. My intention is to make money and spread Islam. I do not have any problem in sharing your page through my channel. But I do not know how can I do that?
Kind regards
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